If ever we can provide a booking facility for accessible seating, the event itself and ticket description will clearly state this.
Usually the venue or event organisers like to handle these bookings themselves, so please contact them directly.
Free Essential Companion Tickets, where applicable, are only available to accessible fans that require them. Where free tickets are available, there is always a risk of fraud, if not handled carefully. In the case of hot ticket events, there is also a risk of non-accessible customers purchasing accessible tickets. To ensure that these tickets go to the fans who really need them, we verify the need on any bookings that request them. Once you have made a booking we will contact you within 72 hours of purchase, requesting proof of disability – you can also submit your accessible information on our accessibility registration form.
Once requested, your order may be cancelled if no supporting document is provided within the allotted time.
Below is a list of the documents we might take into consideration when verifying complimentary ticket or hot ticket purchases. This list is not designed to be exhaustive, but suggestive:
- Letter from a medical professional (a Doctors note or a letter from an occupational therapist)
- An LTI Card (Long Term Illness)
- Carers Allowance
- Letter or report from an aural specialist confirming that hearing loss has been recorded at 70 - 95 dBHL or worse.
- Blind or partially sighted registration certificate from your ophthalmic surgeon or letter from the NCBI or similar.
- A personal letter from the GP, community nurse or social worker
- Benefit Award letters